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[ALL] How to test if you have dust on your sensor ?

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[ALL] How to test if you have dust on your sensor ? Empty [ALL] How to test if you have dust on your sensor ?

Message par Vincent Hittelet Dim 1 Nov - 20:49

Want to be appalled by how much dust is already on your sensor filter?
1) Mount a 50mm or longer lens on your DSLR and select 50mm or longer if you are using a zoom lens
2) Take a physically small aperture (e.g., a big number, such as f/16),
3) Set the lens to manual focus and set the focus to to make your selected subject completely OOF (Out of Focus). We want to see the dust, not the subject in the picture
4) Change the exposure (+1.5 or 2 apertures) to have real white image
5) Take a picture of a plain white surface (wall, ceiling, sheet of paper, whatever),
6) Open the shot with your favorite soft and zomm it to 100%.
You should see some spots if there are dust on your sensor...

Vincent Hittelet
Vincent Hittelet

Messages : 339
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2008
Age : 63

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