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[utilities] Andreamosaic : mosaic of photos in a simple click

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[utilities] Andreamosaic : mosaic of photos in a simple click Empty [utilities] Andreamosaic : mosaic of photos in a simple click

Message par marc alhadeff Lun 2 Nov - 21:35

a free project to create digital art using images and computer software. With AndreaMosaic you can create your own photographic
mosaics made with your own pictures. A photo mosaic is an image composed of many tiled photos.

[utilities] Andreamosaic : mosaic of photos in a simple click AndreaMosaicScreenShot

the principle is basic : the software will look at thousands of your photos to find the best matches in term of colours to compose a destination photo

an exemple made of 256 tiles
[utilities] Andreamosaic : mosaic of photos in a simple click Red_Yellow_Flower_256

another type of use to create a "pele mele" of photos
[utilities] Andreamosaic : mosaic of photos in a simple click 3529581374_b02fb02113_b

more samples can be found here
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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