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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:28 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:22 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:15 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:02 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyLun 19 Nov - 22:54 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyLun 19 Nov - 0:35 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyLun 19 Nov - 0:26 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyDim 18 Nov - 18:50 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? EmptyDim 18 Nov - 18:26 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ?

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[Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ? Empty [Intermediate] The Layer ("calque") is one of the most important tools to change image - How to use it ?

Message par Vincent Hittelet Jeu 7 Jan - 2:00

This article (in french) describes all layer types, how to use them and how to organise them ?

"Les calques sont essentiels à la retouche numérique.
Avec Adobe Photoshop ou n'importe quel logiciel équivalent, ils permettent
de superposer différents éléments modifiables à volonté sur une même image.
Face au large éventail des possibilités, le débutant est vite perdu.
Quels sont les différents types de calques? Comment les créer et les organiser? Explications."

If you have a problem to open this link, feel free to contact me.
Vincent Hittelet
Vincent Hittelet

Messages : 339
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2008
Age : 63

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