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[Iceland] Blue lagoon EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:28 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Iceland] Blue lagoon

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[Iceland] Blue lagoon Empty [Iceland] Blue lagoon

Message par marc alhadeff Jeu 1 Oct - 0:03

The famous blue lagoon in Iceland
a geothermal area with 38°C inside the water and 12°C outside
all of these in a lava field !
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3831625530_17f654c8d0_b
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3831665764_3d66aa9224_b
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3831590322_ba7c56a3d6_b
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3830978459_d21ff364ee_b
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3830938157_77fa30d2c7_b
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3830914089_94be3253ca_b
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3830925655_5f512a2b97_b
8 (l'usine géothermique qui récupère la chaleur pour fabrique de l'electiricité et distribuer l'eau chaude de ville => pas de déchets rien que de la vapeur d'eau excedentaire)
[Iceland] Blue lagoon 3831786430_19c2b55ee2_b
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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[Iceland] Blue lagoon Empty Looks a Synthesis image..

Message par Vincent Hittelet Lun 12 Oct - 21:40

My favorite is the number 2, with a very good contrast between the dark sky and the light bleu of the lagoon.
I suppose the white border of the lagoon is salt ?
Looks realy as a synthesis image
Vincent Hittelet
Vincent Hittelet

Messages : 339
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2008
Age : 63

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[Iceland] Blue lagoon Empty Re: [Iceland] Blue lagoon

Message par marc alhadeff Lun 12 Oct - 22:23

Vincent Hittelet a écrit:My favorite is the number 2, with a very good contrast between the dark sky and the light bleu of the lagoon.
I suppose the white border of the lagoon is salt ?
Looks realy as a synthesis image

it is not salt as it is river/geyser water, (eau douce) it is silicate
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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[Iceland] Blue lagoon Empty Re: [Iceland] Blue lagoon

Message par ngkoen Dim 18 Oct - 14:49

I like number two as well...just starting photograpy....still need a lot practice


Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2009

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[Iceland] Blue lagoon Empty Re: [Iceland] Blue lagoon

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