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...down to the strawberry fields EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:28 par Vincent Hittelet

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...down to the strawberry fields

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...down to the strawberry fields Empty ...down to the strawberry fields

Message par pironjulien Lun 8 Fév - 0:17

#1....down to the strawberry fields Img_6010
1/1000 f11.0 250mm iso1600
a lucky shot, had spotted the bike and shot the pic, found out checking the result that i got it just through the trees along the railway.Shot in Thailand

#2....down to the strawberry fields Dsc01810
1/1000 f5.6 iso400 200mm
the usual mirror effect, the picture is shown upside down, which usually troubles people. Shot in Thailand

#3....down to the strawberry fields Img_6911
1/800 f10 250mm iso400
The lady who saw us, from far far up in the mountain. Shot in Thailand

#4....down to the strawberry fields Img_7110
1,3s f22 from90=>28mm iso1600
pic easy to realise ; just put a long exposition time, focus and when clicking the shooter, turn the lens from one extreme to the other over the length of exposition... you'll get a zooming in effect. shot in Thailand

#5....down to the strawberry fields Hktyph10
1/200 5.6 28mm iso200
one of my favourite pics, love to contrast colours. shot in HK in the midst of a typhoon

Dernière édition par pironjulien le Mar 9 Fév - 0:17, édité 11 fois


Messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Saint-Ghislain

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...down to the strawberry fields Empty Re: ...down to the strawberry fields

Message par pironjulien Lun 8 Fév - 0:22

#6....down to the strawberry fields Img_8711
1/80 f5.6 90=>28mm iso1600
Shot in Hk harbour in early evening of summer hot night. Same effect as above, rotate the lens on a long exposition time

#7. ...down to the strawberry fields Macao210
1/100 f5.0 65mm iso100
Shot as silently as possible in front of the Macao ship factory, lunchtime napping worker.

#8....down to the strawberry fields Beijin10
1/320 f10,0 81mm iso200
Chinese shadowing in the forbidden city temple

Dernière édition par pironjulien le Mar 9 Fév - 0:29, édité 2 fois


Messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Saint-Ghislain

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...down to the strawberry fields Empty Re: ...down to the strawberry fields

Message par pironjulien Lun 8 Fév - 0:27

#9....down to the strawberry fields Beijin11
1/4000 6.3 35mm 1600 (could have been shot with a slower speed and less iso, details would have been sharper ... )
Shot on Tienanmen's square, I love this picture for its asymetrics. On one side you have the old China with the temple and a person cycling and the traditional policeman and on the other side, you have the new china with the car and the cranes.

#10....down to the strawberry fields Img_0110
1/320 f11 41mm iso200
Building hosting the athletes in the last Beijing Olympic games, there are mega screens on the side of the buildings voicing out loud the glory of the chinese athletes. Again, it is the contrast between the old china symbolised by the kite and the new china with the hi-tech building

#11....down to the strawberry fields Divers11
1/800 f20,0 71mm iso200
Peaceful fisherman at dawn in Macao.

#12....down to the strawberry fields Img_0611
1/250 f4.0 28mm iso200
picture shot in Tokyo in Shibuya's neighbourhood. This picture was taped on a road safety fence.

Dernière édition par pironjulien le Mar 9 Fév - 0:13, édité 6 fois


Messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Saint-Ghislain

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...down to the strawberry fields Empty Re: ...down to the strawberry fields

Message par marc alhadeff Lun 8 Fév - 8:50

superbe série !
pourrais tru les numéroter c'est plus facile pour les commentaires
et donner quelques détails sur la prise de vue : où, quand , appareil, objectif ouverture , expo
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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...down to the strawberry fields Empty Re: ...down to the strawberry fields

Message par marc alhadeff Mar 9 Fév - 0:03

1st : nice effect between blur for the foreground and sharp at the background give mystery and poetry to the picture
but shoot at too high iso
the pastel colour in green are ok
2 : very nice upside down and good colour
the horizon could be more horizontal to really play on the symetry
3 I would have de center a little bit more the woman to be closer to one of the crossing of thelines of the thirds
I would have add a very little bit more contrast too
4 very poetic good framing and effect but why iso 1600
you seems to be often in high iso, camera give their best color rendition at nominal iso = 200 on 95% on the digital camera
5 nice contrast of color and atmospher but
the left side is too much equally divided between the city and the see and the boat on th eleft is cut
6 good but please correct the horizon
7 very nice but I would have let more space in the bottom for a respiration of the photo also I would have tried to have only one column for the balustrade (only the right one)
8 nice ombres chinoises !
9 very good but man shoulder is cut unfortunately
10 good scenography but I don't like the contrast of the photo
11 very nice composition but look at the horizon !!! Aaargh
12 nice I would have b
out a stronger contrast and more vivid colors for a stronger graphical effect
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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...down to the strawberry fields Empty Re: ...down to the strawberry fields

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