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» PhotoScape
ship from the end of the world EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:28 par Vincent Hittelet

» JetPhoto Studio
ship from the end of the world EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:22 par Vincent Hittelet

» Diaporama: du plus simple au plus complet
ship from the end of the world EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:15 par Vincent Hittelet

» Test Sony Nex 6
ship from the end of the world EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:02 par Vincent Hittelet

» Test Sony Alpha 99
ship from the end of the world EmptyLun 19 Nov - 22:54 par Vincent Hittelet

» Comment atténuer un fort contraste d'éclairage?
ship from the end of the world EmptyLun 19 Nov - 0:35 par Vincent Hittelet

» Bien exposer ses photos
ship from the end of the world EmptyLun 19 Nov - 0:26 par Vincent Hittelet

» Maîtriser la nuit américaine
ship from the end of the world EmptyDim 18 Nov - 18:50 par Vincent Hittelet

» Dépassée la charte gris neutre 18% ?
ship from the end of the world EmptyDim 18 Nov - 18:26 par Vincent Hittelet

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ship from the end of the world

3 participants

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ship from the end of the world Empty ship from the end of the world

Message par Frederic Smoes Mer 24 Fév - 19:21

ship from the end of the world 4383504817_68d38613ca_b

Who knows where it comes from ...

Camera: Canon EOS 20D
Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 300 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Dernière édition par Frederic Smoes le Jeu 25 Fév - 8:28, édité 1 fois (Raison : Camera Details added)

Frederic Smoes

Messages : 45
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2010

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ship from the end of the world Empty Re: ship from the end of the world

Message par Quentin Jeu 25 Fév - 1:12

Chouette ciel

Messages : 22
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2009

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ship from the end of the world Empty Re: ship from the end of the world

Message par marc alhadeff Jeu 25 Fév - 23:18

good light but a little bit too centered
a trial by cropping the photo
ship from the end of the world FSmoescouchersoleil
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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ship from the end of the world Empty Re: ship from the end of the world

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