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Washington DC Empty Washington DC

Message par nevens Mar 14 Déc - 22:42


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2010
Age : 49

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Washington DC Empty Re: Washington DC

Message par marc alhadeff Ven 31 Déc - 9:29

1 taken from below - angle of the flag is not so nice
2 white house : horizon not straight and too much green grass wihout any storng pont => make it straight and cut a part of the gra&ss => make it 16/9 gotmat
3 not centered niether fully decentered , shadow of the column can be ade lighter - strong cmposition
4 my favorite bery grepahical
6 too narrowed view , the building look flat
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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Washington DC Empty Re: Washington DC

Message par nevens Ven 31 Déc - 10:55

marc alhadeff a écrit:
1 taken from below - angle of the flag is not so nice
2 white house : horizon not straight and too much green grass wihout any storng pont => make it straight and cut a part of the gra&ss => make it 16/9 gotmat
3 not centered niether fully decentered , shadow of the column can be ade lighter - strong cmposition
4 my favorite bery grepahical
6 too narrowed view , the building look flat

Thanks for your comments Marc.

2. That's a good idea! I never thought at this possibility. First plan is a challenge with wide angle lenses and a subject far away. I missed my 70-200 at that time, but it would not have gone through the fence anyway.
3. I'll try to play with shadow
4. Same for me ;)
6. How would you improve this?


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2010
Age : 49

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Washington DC Empty Re: Washington DC

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