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How to publish a photo in the forum ?

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How to publish a photo in the forum ? Empty How to publish a photo in the forum ?

Message par marc alhadeff Mar 13 Oct - 20:15

If you want to share a photo in the forum there are a few rules to respect

sizing the photos
although you may have a 16Mpix photo of 5MB and 5000 pixels wide , on th eforum we ask you to resize it to max 1024 pixels width in order to view it on a single screen
in general photos hosting web site will do that for you

hosting the photos
As forum do not have a lot of disk space in general we ask you to host your photos in your favorites photo sharing website like
were you can structurally host your photo or

if you only upload photos occasionally to use a website like , its free and it has an option to resize your photos in various size
after upload it will show you an URL that you need to copy

If you need to upload other document than photos like a pdf please use

Publishing your photo
Once this is done in a new post look at the menu

How to publish a photo in the forum ? Menuforums

click on the picture icon (the second one and paste the url of the photo : somethink like :

If you publish several photos please number them sothat people can refer to these numbers
also if you know which focal length, apetrure, speed and lens was used it can help

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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