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[Accesoires] [Intermediate] Calibration of your screen EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:28 par Vincent Hittelet

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[Accesoires] [Intermediate] Calibration of your screen

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[Accesoires] [Intermediate] Calibration of your screen Empty [Accesoires] [Intermediate] Calibration of your screen

Message par marc alhadeff Ven 25 Sep - 20:54

very often the colors you see on your laptop or desktop PC is uite different from a print on your printer or at the lab

to correct this some calibration tool exist that correct the colours of the screen

you can have a look here

This cost around 150€ a the Fnac and you relally need only to use it once
I have one and propose you to bring it at Euroclear at noon time if you have a laptop sothat we can calibrate your screen : you will see the diffeeence in colors is amazing

[Accesoires] [Intermediate] Calibration of your screen Spyder3suitedisplayphotopro
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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[Accesoires] [Intermediate] Calibration of your screen Empty Article complémentaire

Message par Vincent Hittelet Sam 24 Oct - 15:53

Voici un article complémentaire qui date un peu (2005) mais qui reste valable sur les principes.
Les prix des sondes est devenu très raisonnable.
C'est un must pour tout ceux qui veulent retoucher des photos

Bonne lecture.

Calibrer son écran
Vincent Hittelet
Vincent Hittelet

Messages : 339
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2008
Age : 63

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