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Good photographic physical shops in Brussels

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Good photographic physical shops in Brussels Empty Good photographic physical shops in Brussels

Message par marc alhadeff Mer 30 Sep - 23:46

Among the best shops in Brussels where you can have a good advice from vendor is
15, Rue St-Boniface
1050 Ixelles (Bruxelles)

You have a large choice of cameras, lenses and accesoiries
from Nikon, Canon, sony, Pentax, Leica
as well as Tamron and Sigma for lenses
a lot of stock and you can try lenses there with your camera
They also have th efull Lowpro range in term of backpack

disadvantage they are not cheap

Other good adresses is doubleyou
a bit more marketing but better price and possilbity to order via internet
they also have a service of cleaning your reflex digital sensor from dust for 30-40€
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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Good photographic physical shops in Brussels Empty Re: Good photographic physical shops in Brussels

Message par Hugues Jeu 15 Oct - 15:10

For Nikon...
Best deals in BXL new or re-use -> Photo Cine House (PCH) ->
They can be rude.. but they know what they sell ;-)

Ather good place is Photo Guy, rue de Flandres, 43

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2008
Age : 57

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Good photographic physical shops in Brussels Empty Re: Good photographic physical shops in Brussels

Message par marc alhadeff Jeu 15 Oct - 20:29

Hugues a écrit:For Nikon...
Best deals in BXL new or re-use -> Photo Cine House (PCH) ->
They can be rude.. but they know what they sell ;-)

Attention to PCH they can be more than rude :
I have gone once to clean my DSLR sensor as they had a good price 20€
When I came to get back the camera after one day of depot , they put my Sony A700 + grip + lens on the desk near the cashier . Then I asked question for a tripod . they showed it to me during 1 min
2m far from the desk
when I turned back , the camera had gone , somebody had entered and taken the camera passing through the other seller
they claim not being responsible
As I did not payed yet the cleaning the camera was supposed to still be under their responsibility => they scratch the paper that was proving that my camera was in depot with them !

Value was 1500€ !

I was really lucky that there was a manifestation outside with many policemen and that with a quick declaration to the police, they could find back the theft in 1 hour. the camera was fine in perfect order

So if you go there watch your belonging and keep proof of everything with them
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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Good photographic physical shops in Brussels Empty Re: Good photographic physical shops in Brussels

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