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» PhotoScape
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Photoclear Labos Benchmarking

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Photoclear Labos Benchmarking Empty Photoclear Labos Benchmarking

Message par Vincent Hittelet Sam 31 Oct - 20:39

Can I suggest to do our own benchmarking of the Labos based on following simple idea.
Each time that you print some images through a Labo, you will add in the stack a pre-selected set images that we will have build together.
After a couple of months we can share during an event our results: paper quality, colors, definition, price, …

Are you interested by such benchmarking ?

Can I suggest the following first image
Photoclear Labos Benchmarking Fujica11

Full size
Vincent Hittelet
Vincent Hittelet

Messages : 339
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2008
Age : 63

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Photoclear Labos Benchmarking Empty Re: Photoclear Labos Benchmarking

Message par marc alhadeff Dim 1 Nov - 10:34

ok for me good idea
but first step is that everyone has a calibrated screen to ensure we compare apples with apples
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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