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Flickriver : an alternative way to see your flickr photos on a black background EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:28 par Vincent Hittelet

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Flickriver : an alternative way to see your flickr photos on a black background

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Flickriver : an alternative way to see your flickr photos on a black background Empty Flickriver : an alternative way to see your flickr photos on a black background

Message par marc alhadeff Jeu 22 Oct - 1:35

look here
for starting page

exemple :

Flickriver is a web-based image viewer that provides a new way to explore and view Flickr photos.

Flickriver enhances your photo browsing experience in several ways:

* River of photos - the photographs are always displayed as one continuous stream - you can view thousands of photos without ever needing to hit 'next' and waiting for the next page to load! This is also known as "infinite scroll". Check out my most interesting photos for an example
* Large images - size really matters when you truly want to appreciate the beauty of photography
* Black background - most photographs just look better on black - won't you agree?
* User most interesting photos - see other people's photos ordered by interestingness
* Most interesting Pool photos - see photos in any Pool ordered by interestingness
* Random order view - explore any user's or group's photos in random order
* Photos of user's contacts - see recent photos from contacts of any user
* Keyboard navigation - you can press j/k to go to next/previous photo. Hitting space also allows quickly jumping to the next photo. v opens the original Flickr page for the currently visible photo

Beyond the features above, Flickriver has many additional Flickr photo views - user recent photos, favorites, sets, user and everyone's photos by tag, everyone's most interesting and recent photos, group and pool photos and more. Also, Flickriver follows the Flickr URL structure as much as possible, so you can easily go back and forth between the two.
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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