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» PhotoScape
Cooliris : a 3D wall to browse photos and videos on your computer, flickr, google images... EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:28 par Vincent Hittelet

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Cooliris : a 3D wall to browse photos and videos on your computer, flickr, google images... EmptyLun 19 Nov - 0:26 par Vincent Hittelet

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Cooliris : a 3D wall to browse photos and videos on your computer, flickr, google images...

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Cooliris : a 3D wall to browse photos and videos on your computer, flickr, google images... Empty Cooliris : a 3D wall to browse photos and videos on your computer, flickr, google images...

Message par marc alhadeff Jeu 22 Oct - 2:02

if you want a fancy interface like Ipod coverflow to browse in a unique manner your photos try Cooliris
this plugin for Mac/Windows working in every interne tbrowser (interne texplorer, firefox, safari...) look like
Cooliris : a 3D wall to browse photos and videos on your computer, flickr, google images... 16-06-09_020a

just connect to install and enjoy
you will have a little icon in the corner of every image you see , click on it and you will see images in a 3D dynamic wall

look here avideo that show you how to install it and the main features
marc alhadeff
marc alhadeff

Messages : 382
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009
Age : 52
Localisation : Bruxelles

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